Energy can't be created or destroyed. In an electric motor energy is either converted to mechanical or heat.
Serene Motors don’t heat up like other electric motors so up to 99.9% of energy is converted to mechanical.
Typical electric motors are rated at a specific voltage to prevent overheating and maximize their efficiency.
Serene motors offer a wider voltage range and maintain the same efficiency because little energy is lost to heat.
1. Meets growing energy demand and lowers utility bills.
2. Longer range in electric cars, electric bikes, drones, and more.
3. Both sides of the coil are used to rotate the magnet core.
4. Solves energy lost to heat in electic motors.
5. Faster RPM
6. More Torque
7. Less natural resources to generate electricity.
8. Easier to manufacture and creates jobs.
9. Most powerful and efficient electric motor/generator wins.